The paint scheme is amazingly straight forward as you might imagine with an all black model:
1. Black undercoat using UPOL matt black primer
2. Xentihal highlight using FW air Corvus black, this is an off black/very dark grey.
3. Dawnstone edge highlight.
4. Lead belcher to the metallic areas followed by null oil wash
5. Highlight the steel areas with Runefang steel for a good contrast.
6. Pouches were added to most models for a well armed infantry feel, these were painted rhinos hide, highlighted steel goon drab and washed to a duller shader with agrax earth shade
7. Helmet lenses were mephiston red and then a highlight of evil sunz scarlet
Voila! Really easy to do, but hopefully a nice clean cut but dark and shady ravenguard.
I have thirty tactical marines altogether, drop pod ready!
Great stuff. I like simple effective schemes. I think if I did 30K, id have to chose a simple scheme! I've got enough 40K to do!