So my army is going to be full drop assault, so the terminators are going to drop down in a nice blob curtesy of the teleportarium. First issue, they'll be in aforementioned blob, prime for ap2 blast, yes I'm looking at you plasma destructors. Second, I'm not using nuncio vox's, I really can't see the bloody 12th being sane enough to bother. That all said, still excited to use them.
Model wise, a joy to paint. Was really nice painting something other than a regular marine and following on from the dreadnought I was inspired to try some larger models. I'd say the main thing with these was that they began life as Iron Warriors, I just repainted them. I had 30+ Cataphractii for my IW and when the Tyrant Siege Terminators (FINALLY) came out I thought I really didn't need that many. To be honest if I ever change my mind, I'll just have to get some more.
Thank again!
They look great, i like the red touches of armour, like they are falling to their post-Heresy scheme.