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Thursday, 9 November 2017

Shadespire- painting the liberators

Well I had a 15 minute trial run of this and was impressed so ordered the starter set. The game was quick, solid rules wise and pretty competitive. I also saw an opportunity for a project with this game that I'll talk about it I ever start it... 

The figures are spot on, so good I was gutted when my spray went funny on Severins Sword, so if anyone doesn't want him and fancy being charitable I'd love to paint a new one! I'd even swap my old one if you can handle the sword being a bit off, the rest of him looks good! 

I used the citadel pain app to do the Sigmarines. They were quite fun to paint actually and I reckon the Reavers are going to be more of a challenge. My only criticism is that the snap fit wasn't pefect, I plastic glued mine and I think the opposition of the mould lines could be better on these figures but detail wise they're great.

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